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Garlicky Black Bean Salmon Tacos

April 30, 2020

Garlicky Black Bean Salmon I seasoned generously with smoked paprika, cumin, lime, garlic powder, salt & pepper, then seared seasoned side down in a hot oiled cast iron pan, till a little firm and a good crust forms. Then flip over. In a separate bowl, 2 cans of black beans, several pinches of dried oregano, […]

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I love warm, crispy fritters. Today, in an effort to use every little bit and not be wasteful, I made carrot, zucchini fritters with feta. Easy, crisp, warm, gushy and satisfying. Combine shredded vegetables in a bowl with a handful of flour, 2-4 eggs, depending on qty. You want the mixture to be wet but […]

Day Fourteen: Fritters