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Summer Panzanella

July 20, 2020

Hands down this is my favorite salad. It’s fresh and easy and tastes like summer. Heres what I did: I cut up 7 peaches, added blueberries and blackberries to a bowl, drizzled a bit of agave (or honey) and tossed all fruit together. Then I added 2 mozzarella balls, pulled apart and shredded. Next, cube […]

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A slightly over ripe pink grapefruit changed my life. I always think I’m going to eat them and never do. This recipe was born out of my mission not to waste anything. So here’s what I made with what I had: For the marinade, in a large bowl add 3 good turns of olive oil, […]

Citrus Chicken

I love the tradition of a meal, the ritual of the gather and feast at a table at the end of the day… I love the time spent reconnecting. Our tables see so much, hear so much; its wood grain holds all our secrets and dreams. Many dinners at home start and finish with a […]
