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Chimichurri Fake Out

April 16, 2020

Chimichurri is a favorite around here. I was missing a lot of the ingredients but was determined to dip carrots and pita and pork through a garlicky green heaven. SO, while I had a ton of broccoli, I used it! It was a great hack and I’d do it again. Here is what I did […]

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I’ve been working on a dream for some time now. We’re opening the door of Vignette Home Table Garden soon. We are all about the eclectic home; lived in and well loved. We’re packing to the brim a lifestyle that includes the notion that gathering, entertaining, cooking and sharing a meal is one of the […]

It’s Happening…

I love the tradition of a meal, the ritual of the gather and feast at a table at the end of the day… I love the time spent reconnecting. Our tables see so much, hear so much; its wood grain holds all our secrets and dreams. Many dinners at home start and finish with a […]
