the journal

welcome to

Day One

March 29, 2020

I’m thinking about the world today, thinking about how and what everyone is doing. We are in, day one of self quarantine. What a word. Like so many, we’re waiting on the world to change. Unprecedented times call for digging deep and thinking in a new way. It’s time to circle the wagon, pull in […]

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I had to make the hard decision today, to close the store for an unknown amount of time. Amid the rush and fear of COVID-19, it seems the only responsible thing to do. We’ve been open for four days to a great beginning and a dream come true. I felt like I could practically will […]

Heart and Soul

It’s so hard to believe!!!! We are open!!! A labor of love to say the least. We’ve been in here creating, unboxing, painting, working and crying a bit, if I’m honest. Will they come? Will they buy? Will this be a success?? I have to do it. I’ve dreamt of this for years and fear […]

We’re Open!

Incredibly excited to share some images of our project. We’re renovating again, working on a new house in shades of white and black. We’ve stripped floors, painted them white, stripped stairs, some doorways and windows and painted them black. It’s a white box feeling I have always wanted to live in.

I’ll post updated pictures as time goes on, But for now here are a few before and afters and in betweens.

A Study in Black & White

I’ve been working on a dream for some time now. We’re opening the door of Vignette Home Table Garden soon. We are all about the eclectic home; lived in and well loved. We’re packing to the brim a lifestyle that includes the notion that gathering, entertaining, cooking and sharing a meal is one of the […]

It’s Happening…